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Hi, I’m Gena


I help high-performing, yet unfulfilled females in tech to finally belong at work by believing in their excellence + feel deserving of their next promotion while creating more time in their lives for what matters.


I help you…


Ditch the imposter + exude confidence so you feel fulfilled at work + in life

Maneuver work relationships + gain trust like a pro

Feel valued, heard, deserving + belonging in the workplace

Spend guilt-free time outside of work without feeling like a slacker


Slay those doubts

When you feel like an imposter at work, you start re-enforcing negative narratives that second guess your brilliance, making you feel less than deserving + leaving you feeling unfulfilled in your job.

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Does this sound familiar?


“What am I doing here? Do I really have what it takes to make it?”

-engineering manager, amazon

-design manager, google

-developer, zulily


Everyone else here is…

“so smart”

“so experienced”

“an Ivy Leaguer with that perfect degree”

-marketing manager, uber

-senior engineer, facebook

-product manager, google


“I should have more of an impact but I guess I need to work harder to be seen.”

-senior consultant, accenture

-product manager, microsoft

-senior data scientist, sales force


Let’s talk real change

I’m sure you’ve been to many leadership training workshops or perhaps you’re a part of a support circle. But are you getting the results you’re looking for in your career to land that high impact project, feel like you belong with the best of them + is recognized for your contributions? Chances are you still feel like you’re an outsider waiting for your impact to be recognized, worried that your ideas and your voice is somehow not heard.

Harvard studies show how you feel about something determines 95% of your actions.


That means if you still FEEL like an imposter, with all your internal doubts, you’re gonna have to stand for days in the bathroom doing the power pose before you exude genuine confidence that radiates outward in everything you do at work + in life.


Rediscover your worth

So you reclaim your confidence at work + create time for the things that matter


Feel respected at work + deserving of your next promotion

Finally feel like you belong at work, be recognized as an expert in your field + have others see your excellence so that you’re one step closer to your next promotion.


Find fulfillment + create more time for you

Finally stop seeking validation externally + create time for what YOU want to do so you can create your life of meaning. 


Snag your free insights to lasting change


Your exclusive tried and true guide to ditching the imposter

Learn the 4 step approach to ditching feeling like an imposter and reclaim your confidence at work!

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